Young Drivers of Canada

303 Bagot St
Kingston, ON
K7M 5W7
613-545-1839Hide map
ONLY Young Drivers Teaches the Collisionfree! Approach to DrivingTM. Only YD offers our exclusive Habits and Sub-Habits that teach YD students the skills they need to stay collision-free. Only Young Drivers students receive DriveFit cognitive training that can improve short-term memory, divided attention, reaction time, changing plans and speed of judgement. These improved cognitive skills will make passing a driver's test more likely and give them a much better chance of avoiding collisions. Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to teaching someone to drive. If your teenager, friend, or spouse is learning to drive and you are their designated co-driver, ask the YD centre for information about our free online co-driver program and learn how to be supportive from the passenger seat. Young Drivers of Canada is the ONLY ISO9001:2000 registered driving program in Canada.