Soma Mobile Massage

33 Elmwood Street
Kingston, ON
K7M 2Y7
613-888-8229Hide map
Soma Mobile Massage provides both in-clinic and on-site therapeutic and relaxation massage therapy. Experience the benefits of massage in the comfort of your cottage, home, office, event without the stress and time of driving. Specializing in Deep Tissue Massage, Bamboo Fusion, Geriatric Massage. Perhaps you or someone you know has mobility issues and cannot easily leave their home. Or maybe you've had a long day or work week and would love to just relax at home- why not pamper yourself or your loved ones to a relaxing stress free experience. You choose: lying on a table with a body cushion (professional draping) or sit in portable chair (fully clothed). Soma Mobile will help you get the most of each treatment by giving you stress and pain management techniques such as stretching and strengthening exercises and the use of heat or cold therapy. Workplace Massage helps reduce muscle tension and stress during the workday and also increases concentration and productivity! Available on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one-time event.