857 Princess St
Kingston, ON
K7L 1G7
613-546-9832Click here for map
Kingston, ON
K7L 1G7
613-546-9832Click here for map
We purchase books from the public when needed, please call to inquire before bringing in your books. Joan and Peter Kraszewski have been operating a bookstore at 857 Princess St since 1984. We buy and sell used books and offer a nice return policy to our loyal customers. You can purchase a paperback from us, take it home, read and enjoy at your own leisure, then when you are finished with it you can return it to our store and get a credit of half of our sticker price towards your next purchase! If you chose a trade or hardcover the return rate is 25% credit. We do not include magazines or collectibles in this policy. We will always honor this policy as long as you don't abuse the books or remove our store sticker, and of course you don't take a bath with the book. Books don't like water. This is an excellent way for people to enjoy reading at affordable prices. Support your local used bookstore and help save the planet.Large selection of paperbacks in all genres. We have thousands of titles including Romance , Paranormal Romance, Mystery, Science Fiction, Popular Authors, Young Adult and Children's books.We stock back issues of some Magazines. We have a small selection of Collectible material. This includes comics , rare and hard to find hard and soft covers.