Hochelaga Inn

24 Sydenham St
Kingston, ON
K7L 3G9
613-549-5534Hide map
When you are in Kingston, be sure to stay in the city's most recognizable Historic Inn. We offer first class accommodations and service in the fashionable historic Sydenham District, located in the centre of the famous Limestone City. We are just steps from the beautiful waterfront, Queen's University and Kingston's stylish and trendy boutiques. Kingston's hip, uptown flavor has something for everyone. The city's unique historic architecture, with its European flare, makes the city come alive with winding cobblestone paths leading you to some of Kingston's finest gourmet restaurants, martini bars and tapas eateries that will delight your senses. If you are in Kingston be sure to check us out! Give us a call today if you wish to learn more!